How To Quit Porn Forever and End Your Addiction
Am I an anti-porn advocate? No. It’s a topic I’m indifferent about. But what I am is a pro-live-your-life-as-best-as-possible extremist. And I’m noticing porn is getting in the way of guys maximizing their potential.
Anything can be addictive. Sugar, soda, weed, and most definitely porn. If quitting porn will make your life even 5% better, then I suggest you read this blog and consider either quitting or significantly decreasing your consumption of it.
First let’s look at three reasons why you should quit porn.
Three Reasons To Quit Porn
REASON #1 TO QUIT PORN: You become sexually desensitized
Most women are not watching hardcore porn. So any action that goes beyond traditional sex can be a major turnoff for a girl.
Light spanking and some hair pulling? That’s probably going to be okay with most women.
There’s also the more violent versions of porn out there that go above and beyond to entertain the viewer. I won’t get into the details but those types of acts are definitely not sexually arousing for 90%+ of the women out there.
Yet you might start considering that to be the norm during intercourse - or you might start finding that to be the only thing that gets you off. What can start happening is what gets you off in bed turns her off completely. You do not want to be at this low point.
REASON #2 TO QUIT PORN: Your energy sucks
Don’t ask me for scientific proof but I’ve seen guys go from watching porn regularly to going completely cold turkey and their entire energy shifted. You’re moving with more vigor, clarity, and sharpness.
One guy told me “Women started paying me more attention. I would get more looks my way. It was as if the women can smell the sperm on me and wanted it.” His words, not mine. But you get the point.
Something changes in you once you quit porn. The energy 100% skyrockets especially if you went from masturbating 4+ times a day to zero.
REASON #3 TO QUIT PORN: Your time management gets ruined
Investing an hour plus per day to porn is a terrible waste of time. And if you’re an addict who has to watch in the middle of the day or at work, you are seriously destroying your productivity.
You might even screw up your career if you get caught. Let’s say you watch porn one hour per day. That’s seven hours per week that could have been you doing cardio, lifting weights, or researching a side hustle. Multiply that by 52 weeks in a year and you just lost 364 hours.
The Mindset To Quitting Porn
Quitting porn starts with viewing this obsession as a drug addiction. Recognize this as something as bad as alcoholism or being a junkie for opioids.
Remind yourself constantly that porn is the reason why you’re attracting less women and making less money. It seriously does impede on your ability to live a significantly better life especially if you’re putting hours into this toxic habit.
Now let’s examine the ten methods you can use to quit porn.
Top 10 Ways To Quit Porn
1. Join support groups and online communities
Talking to other men with similar issues to yours always helps. It’s good to know you aren’t alone in this struggle. Being in a judgment-free space where you can discuss what you’re going through will make the journey of quitting porn easier.
You do not have to be a lone wolf when it comes to quitting something that can be detrimental to your life. Swallow your pride and seek out outside help to speed up your recovery.
A support group, reddit, or any other online forum can be an effective way to hear what other men have been going through. Even going to in-person meetings will have a tremendous impact on you kicking this habit
2. Put on porn blockers on your phone and laptop
Ever walk along a water pier? What was the one thing that stopped you from falling over into the ocean? Guardrails. Start using guardrails in real life when it comes to your addiction.
Porn blockers on all your tech devices will help tremendously in stopping you from getting your fix. Make it difficult for yourself to access the content. This will help get you in “cold turkey” mode that will eventually end your porn addiction.
Think about it like this: what’s the best way to make sure you don’t ruin your diet and eat candy while at home? By never buying candy in the first place and having it in your house. Cut the porn supply chain off completely through the use of blockers.
3. Avoid places with hot chicks
While trying to quit porn, you do not want to be triggered. That means going to a gym and seeing women dressed all skimpy. With the booty shorts and tight tops these days, it’s basically like a porn set out there. Seeing women dressed so scandalous might make you want to run home and hit up pornhub.
If you can find a hardcore gym with a bunch of dudes and rusty dumbbells, go there. Be in a place that’s mostly guys. You’re there to lift anyway, not stare at T & A. You’ll likely get in more sets and reps if there’s no spandex distractions. See if there’s any religious gyms by you as well. A Muslim or Jewish gym will have modesty rules.
4. Replace your urges with a new habit
I had a friend who enjoyed cigarettes but he would only smoke at home after work. When he noticed he started to smoke more often, including outside of his house, he decided to quit. And the way he did that was by putting on a sauna suit and going for a jog outside at around the same time he’d normally have a cigarette.
The first two weeks sucked. He was completely out of breath and completely in pain from doing a level of cardio he’d never done before. But after several jogging sessions, this run was his new addiction.
Replace bad habits with good ones. If something specifically triggers you to watch porn, avoid that trigger. For example if the moment you sit on your desk chair, you automatically go to watch porn, stop sitting on your desk chair. Change the environment. Take your laptop and sit somewhere else. This will disturb your typical routine. Or, instead of going on your computer, simply do something else. Go outside, hit the gym, go to the mall. Start doing other activities on a consistent basis and avoid the singular activity which led you to watch porn.
5. Seek a therapist
If you’ve got the money or insurance, talk to a professional. Maybe you’re into porn because of trauma. Maybe something happened in your childhood which is causing you to be a porn addict.
A therapist may help with resolving your issues. Talking to a professional can possibly help you with finding a breakthrough solution to your addiction. Whether it’s individual or group therapy, having support and knowing there’s someone by your side can be a huge help in quitting porn.
6. Creating negative reinforcement to quit porn
If after you watch porn, you reward yourself with chocolate cake, you’re creating positive reinforcement. Meaning something good happens after you consume porn. This makes giving up on the habit that much harder.
Instead, you should create the habit of setting in negative reinforcement after watching porn. You’ll rewire your brain to think that porn always gets followed up with something you hate.
What are some examples of negative reinforcement?
- Let’s say there’s a part of history that really depresses you. View images during this time period to upset yourself.
- Eat food you really hate or consume something bitter.
- Put on your headphones and listen to an unsettling noise.
- Go outside and do several sets of high intensity sprints to cause yourself discomfort.
Reprogram yourself to experience negative stimuli from porn.
7. Seek religion
Pornography is frowned upon by every major religion. By joining a temple or house of worship, you’ll be surrounded by people and an environment where you’ll be encouraged to avoid all sins generally speaking, but especially inappropriate sexual behavior.
With all the events and meetings congregations typically have at a busy house of worship, you might not even have the time or energy to watch porn if you become an active member.
If you have an affinity for a particular religion, consider joining a house of worship. Not only will it help you quit porn, but you might actually meet a like minded woman and land yourself a girlfriend/wife.
8. Meditation
Meditation helps with controlling your physical urges. How? You develop better control of your thoughts and the impulses that make you act on said thoughts.
Start by meditating 5-10 minutes per day and take note of how it’ll slowly decrease your dependency of porn. Think of meditation as a mental fast. You’re ridding yourself of all the excess mental calories. The more you meditate, the more you’ll be in control of your thoughts.
9. Date more women
When you’re dating plenty of girls, or just have a single girlfriend, you become distracted from porn. First, you’re not on your computer in the middle of the night. You’re out on a date.
Secondly, if you’re being intimate with your girlfriend, you have less of a desire to even watch porn at that point. I’m not suggesting you sleep around as there are dangers with that too.
But instead of having your life revolve around porn, have it focused on attracting a high quality woman instead. What’s the best dating manual out there for leveling up your love life and meeting more women? Click here.
10. Learn about and practice sexual transmutation
Transmutation is when you take one form of energy and convert it to another. With sexual transmutation, instead of releasing your sexual energy for a computer screen, you retain that energy and use it in other ways. Meaning, you focus on a creative project, your job, your side hustle, etc. This concept was discussed heavily in the famous book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.
How does sexual transmutation work exactly? For starters, you need to stop watching porn and masturbating. You cannot release any of your sexual energy. Sounds difficult but that’s where the next step comes in. Let’s say it’s been a few days since you’ve been retaining your energy. You’ll definitely start having the urge to watch porn.
What you do next is instead of thinking about porn or your penis, you simply breathe, try to relax mentally using meditation, and draw attention away from your sexual need. Allow your sexual energy to circulate to something else whether it’s creative writing, Facebook ads courses, or some other project you have going on. Let that energy stay within you and circulate to something that will improve your life instead.
Quitting porn is no easy task especially when it’s become an ingrained habit of yours and a part of your daily routine. Use multiple strategies we discussed to combat this addiction and overcome it.
When in doubt, the best way to truly quit is to be so busy and productive that your mind is too preoccupied to think about watching porn. Being physically and mentally tired from dominating your life all day is a crucial element in ending this addiction.
Because of how easily accessible porn is, and how much sexual stimuli you deal with throughout the day, don’t expect this to be an easy path. But with the tools we discussed, and a burning desire to change yourself, porn will be a thing in the past for you eventually.